Based in Arnas (Rhône), our team consists of engineers driven by innovation and passionate about cycling and sports in general!

We don’t engage in typical projects such as sizing, drafting plans, industrializing existing parts, or replicating existing technologies. We exclusively choose innovative or complex projects.

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Founder and CTO
Mechanical Engineer

“After an initial career in large international corporations powerful yet cumbersome, slow, and lacking agility, I conceived and founded MOTION as a haven for the engineer and inventor within me. A structure that is agile, swift, dynamic, with no hindrance to innovation, and operating in the domains that impassion me, such as cycling and motor sports.

The only forbidden thing at MOTION is to replicate what already exists! It has been a challenging adventure, not without obstacles, but a daily experience that is fascinating, challenging, and rewarding.”

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Industrial Manager
Mechanical Engineer

“Being a sports enthusiast and passionate about motor sports, when the opportunity to join the Motion team arose, it felt like a natural choice.

 Motion is, above all, a dynamic and close-knit team that shares fundamental values such as respect, communication, and self-improvement.

 We enjoy genuine freedom in innovation and creation, fostering maximum motivation and dedication in the development of all Motion products.”

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Workshop Manager
R&D Engineer

“Working at Motion is a dream come true. Since adolescence, I knew that I wanted to work in mechanics and cycling, starting with a technical degree for the practical side and then advancing to engineering school for the theoretical aspect. 

For me, both aspects are crucial to being able to innovate and develop functional products. It’s a theorem that I apply every day, alternating between the design phase at the desk and the prototype realization in the workshop.”


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Communication Manager
General Engineer

“In September 2021, I embarked on the MOTION adventure as the Head of Communication and Marketing. If you reach out to us, chances are I’ll be the one responding :). With a background in general engineering, I sought to broaden my skills, and when the opportunity to join the Motion team arose, I jumped right in! 🚀”

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Mechanical Engineer


Welcome to the captivating universe of Motion Engineering, where innovation and passion for exceptional mechanics intertwine harmoniously. Our shareholders are the true architects of this adventure, driven by the incessant desire to push technological boundaries

Founder & President

Matthieu Alfano, founder of Motion Engineering, embodies a passion for cycling, innovation, and mechanics. At the helm of his company, he encourages pushing all boundaries, adopting an innovative approach by viewing each project as a blank canvas, ready to redefine standards.

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